Tuesday, April 26, 2011



In 1972, I was drafted into the Army,,,,, "ALMOST." I was able to overt the draft by enlisting into the R.I. Army national Guard, (Artillery) (ON PAPER) DATING MY ENLISTMENT ONE WEEK BEFORE MY DRAFT NOTICE  WAS RECEIVED. That was the beginning. After the extensive testing (at Fort Dix, N.J. where I went for basic) I was offered a special program (I am fairly sure it was officer training )  I refused, because I would have had to go regular Army and didn't want any part of their damn war. (that happened to be the last year of the draft)
 WITHIN only a few days I began getting sick and couldn't hold down even a glass of milk. Many trips to the dispensary later, after giving me "Darvon" which only tore my stomach to shreds,, I was overcome one day with a TINGLING SENSATION FROM THE TOP OF MY HEAD TO THE TIP OF MY TOES. I passed out, woke up a the field I was crossing at the time,,,, and when I got to the hospital they said I had blood in my stomach, put me in intensive care, scoped down my throat, I remember them "goofing on how many sores were in my stomach the size of quarters and half dollars" and the whole time I was thinking they were looking at SPIDERS that were attached to my stomach. I was still experiencing the massive amounts of LSD I had been using for a few years.
 To shorten the story, they offered me an OUT. I asked "what is the catch?" They told me if I admitted to taking drugs, or I could wait until my "ulcer healed and start basic from the beginning or take an honorable discharge MED.200 "illness not curable within one year. (come on this was 1972-I was lucky if I had blood in my drug stream.)
I took the deal, signed stacks and stacks and stacks of papers. Was placed into a LOCKED UNIT in Walson Army Hospital, under- "observation"for a couple of weeks. Where I was shown movies such as "Zackariah," "Ground Zero" & "Vanishing Point." After each movie we got together to discuss our thoughts on it. I remember so much it is hard to explain, but then I was placed into the DIX HOUSE, and was told it was for addicts. I was out of the service with a total of 5 months and 2 weeks. JUST ENOUGH NOT TO GET ANY BENEFITS I AM TOLD. Well, I have NEVER BEEN THE SAME SINCE. I began having numerous paranormal experiences, including ufo sightings and other very bizarre events. I can't prove it but I KNOW I WAS PUT INTO THE M K ULTRA PROGRAM. I have much sadness that from the fact that I feel I let down my fellow service member who WERE drafted and went through their own hellish experiences. I have been to hell and back many times. The first of which I was "set up" and arrested on BOGUS drug dealing charges, because they didn't know any other way to get me in to the state hospital to do more experimenting. The second arrest (out of three times -for supposedly selling pot- I resisted arrest to the point where they could not contain me in any way. I tore the "claw" (device that is not suppose to come off-it was designed to break an arm or leg instead) off my arm twice and my leg once and I was responding as if I was A TRAINED SOLDIER. I never hardly started basic *)(* one more thing I want to mention now. I have a large lumpy thing on the left side of my head. It feels like there is living tissue with blood vessels and all.I don't remember it being there before 1972. I think they gave my parents false memories because they kept telling I got that bump when I was "nicked" by a barber shear. NO WAY... I have asked doctors since then and they said there is no possible way it could have been caused by that.
I think I have said enough for now. I only wish I would be told the truth, because if the program had GOOD INTENTIONS,,, I believe the END JUSTIFIES THE MEANS. I have survived,,, just barely but I am here. GOD BLESS YOU ALL,,,, AND TO ALL,,,,,,, GOD BLESS. With True Sincerity, Herb Anthony

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